Hehe... today I am a little more free than usual... right now waiting at home for time to go Hip Hop. So far, I have been attached to the school for about 4 days. All is well because my mentors are all very nice to me and they willingly give me the space to learn at my own pace. People around me are also very kind to stop and help me out when i need it, such as me asking stupid questions like what time is school dismissal.. -_-'''
Classes I have been to and reliefed and generally quite well-behaved. However, I met a monstrous class on my first relief experience. Just before I entered the class, a teacher who walked past along the corridor out of the blue told me to be careful of the boys as they fight. Then, i made the biggest mistake i could ever make.
And thats it for me man... the entire 30 mins was hell. Monkeys were running all over the place, boys were picking up chairs to knock each other down, babies were kicking each other's bag and then crying because the other person did not want to apologize for kicking his bag down. If i kept quiet to show my displeasure, they were all the happier because i became the invisible woman. If i changed tactics and shouted at them to stop, I almost went hoarse because the 40 voices drowned my pathetic shrill voice. Now, that was THE nightmare for me.
I thought there must be something very wrong with me for being incompetent at controlling the class. Seriously, I almost fainted right there and then in class. I really understand what it means to be 束手无策. However, I left the class to find that that class is almost the most notorious class in the entire P2 level. I was told that even the form teacher as well as male teachers are unable to control the class.
Then the subsequent relief class smelt the 火药味 left over from the previous class as i stood right at the doorway until every single person saw me and kept quiet. Then, I got everything twirled around my little finger after that. =)
Moral of the story: There is no need to shout, just make sure u look VERY stern. First impression counts.
A place where you can see my life right before your eyes
Monday, July 31
Sunday, July 30
I am so touched that so many ppl care that I did not update my blog... =) sorry ppl, been quite busy with my new sch recently...
I shall not go into my sch experiences today because I am not feeling really chatty today... tonight i feel melancholic... in the warm orange lighting in my room and the air con humming together with chinese songs at the back, something I hear this afternoon comes back replaying in my mind...
Jastinian's good friend and his gf broke up yesterday or the day b4... I noe both of them as we went on 2 out-of-singapore trips together and had a lot of fun. I noe it is none of my business, but i cant help feeling sad about their breakup. It was a 6 yr relationship and it ended because the girl fell in love with another guy. Despite desperate attempts on the bf's part, he still failed to save the relationship.
I was told that the girl promised the boy when his best friend passed away a few yrs ago that she would never leave him and that she will always be his best friend and his gf. But now, the boy said to my bf that he has now lost his best friend and his gf. On hearing this, I realized tears welled up in my own eyes... but of cos i try to blink it away lest someone say i crazy again...
6 yrs relationship. Why must a person lose someone before realizing he never wanted to lose her? On the other hand, promises seem empty. Broken promises cause heartaches to the person whom the promise was made to. Promises can be kept faithfully, yet were never materialized cos the person whom the promise was made to left the relationship prematurely. This causes a sense of betrayal and stupidity in the person who faithfully made the promise.
Oh well, perhaps I am talking martian to ppl who read this... but all in all, i realized from this episode that much as girls love to hear promises, the sweeter the better, promises never hold forever... one day, it is likely to be broken by the person who made it, or the person who received it.
I shall not go into my sch experiences today because I am not feeling really chatty today... tonight i feel melancholic... in the warm orange lighting in my room and the air con humming together with chinese songs at the back, something I hear this afternoon comes back replaying in my mind...
Jastinian's good friend and his gf broke up yesterday or the day b4... I noe both of them as we went on 2 out-of-singapore trips together and had a lot of fun. I noe it is none of my business, but i cant help feeling sad about their breakup. It was a 6 yr relationship and it ended because the girl fell in love with another guy. Despite desperate attempts on the bf's part, he still failed to save the relationship.
I was told that the girl promised the boy when his best friend passed away a few yrs ago that she would never leave him and that she will always be his best friend and his gf. But now, the boy said to my bf that he has now lost his best friend and his gf. On hearing this, I realized tears welled up in my own eyes... but of cos i try to blink it away lest someone say i crazy again...
6 yrs relationship. Why must a person lose someone before realizing he never wanted to lose her? On the other hand, promises seem empty. Broken promises cause heartaches to the person whom the promise was made to. Promises can be kept faithfully, yet were never materialized cos the person whom the promise was made to left the relationship prematurely. This causes a sense of betrayal and stupidity in the person who faithfully made the promise.
Oh well, perhaps I am talking martian to ppl who read this... but all in all, i realized from this episode that much as girls love to hear promises, the sweeter the better, promises never hold forever... one day, it is likely to be broken by the person who made it, or the person who received it.
Friday, July 14
Some dating tit bits
Hai... my lil cousin- tutee changed my tuition schedule again! Was all ready to set my foot out of the door when he msged me and say that he is still in sch, cant have tuition... =( now, my planning is haywire again...
So den, I was itchy hand surfing net, i stumbled upon this interesting article... take a read girls and guys and see how true it is...
The 11 Types of Women Guys Want to Date:
1. Miss Sweet
Miss Sweet is a woman who's positive, content with her life, always upbeat — and just a blast to be around. She's a genuine person without a bitch bone in her body. Miss Sweets are usually snapped up out of the dating market right away, so they're pretty rare. But if you can find one, you've got a real treasure on your hands.
2. Miss Equality
The Miss Equalitys of the world genuinely like men, and understand that equality means equality across the board. They believe that a relationship should be a 50/50 partnership, and are more than willing to shoulder their half of the responsibilities and dating expenses.
3. Miss Sexual
You should be so lucky to encounter one of these! Miss Sexual loves men and loves sex — and makes no bones about it. She's not selling it, she's not using it as a tool to manipulate men — she just naturally craves it.
4. Miss Best Friend
She's the kind of woman you're totally in sync with — you like the same things, watch the same TV shows, enjoy going to the same places. You can spend five minutes with her and think you've known her for years. She's always on your side, laughs at all your jokes and calls you just to say "hi" because she genuinely misses you.
5. Miss Straightforward
This is the type of woman who knows how to communicate. With Miss Straightforward, there are no games, no expecting men to be mind readers, no behavior based on ridiculous, female-biased advice from articles in Cosmo or The Rules.
6. Miss Independent
Miss Independent has a real life of her own and is happily going in her own positive direction. She's the type who wants a man in her life, but doesn't need a man in her life.
7. Miss No Pressure
While many women are chomping at the bit to get married, Miss No Pressure hasn't fallen prey to any such agenda. She's happy just to be with you. She may want to get married at some point, but she's in no hurry — she thinks that if it happens, it will just happen naturally.
8. Miss Secure
Miss Secure accepts herself as she is and is comfortable with her good points, as well as her bad.
9. Miss Personality
Miss Personality is a great find. She might not be up for first prize in a beauty contest (although she could be), but her intelligence, wit and sparkling presence just light up the room, and she draws people like a magnet.
10. Miss Low-Maintenance
The rarest of the rare, Miss Low-Maintenance is the most atypical of modern women. She really doesn't care about how much money you have — she just likes you for yourself and not for what she can take from you. She's likely to be a true feminist, and will gladly pay her share of the dating expenses. If you can find a Miss Low-Maintenance, hang on to her for dear life!
11. Miss Right for You
A lot of guys choose women who are "arm candy" — good-looking trophy girlfriends who bolster their status among other men or counteract their own insecurities. That's all well and good, but if you find a woman who makes you happy, regardless of looks, age or social status — or what any other guy thinks — then you have definitely won at the mating game.
So den, I was itchy hand surfing net, i stumbled upon this interesting article... take a read girls and guys and see how true it is...
The 11 Types of Women Guys Want to Date:
1. Miss Sweet
Miss Sweet is a woman who's positive, content with her life, always upbeat — and just a blast to be around. She's a genuine person without a bitch bone in her body. Miss Sweets are usually snapped up out of the dating market right away, so they're pretty rare. But if you can find one, you've got a real treasure on your hands.
2. Miss Equality
The Miss Equalitys of the world genuinely like men, and understand that equality means equality across the board. They believe that a relationship should be a 50/50 partnership, and are more than willing to shoulder their half of the responsibilities and dating expenses.
3. Miss Sexual
You should be so lucky to encounter one of these! Miss Sexual loves men and loves sex — and makes no bones about it. She's not selling it, she's not using it as a tool to manipulate men — she just naturally craves it.
4. Miss Best Friend
She's the kind of woman you're totally in sync with — you like the same things, watch the same TV shows, enjoy going to the same places. You can spend five minutes with her and think you've known her for years. She's always on your side, laughs at all your jokes and calls you just to say "hi" because she genuinely misses you.
5. Miss Straightforward
This is the type of woman who knows how to communicate. With Miss Straightforward, there are no games, no expecting men to be mind readers, no behavior based on ridiculous, female-biased advice from articles in Cosmo or The Rules.
6. Miss Independent
Miss Independent has a real life of her own and is happily going in her own positive direction. She's the type who wants a man in her life, but doesn't need a man in her life.
7. Miss No Pressure
While many women are chomping at the bit to get married, Miss No Pressure hasn't fallen prey to any such agenda. She's happy just to be with you. She may want to get married at some point, but she's in no hurry — she thinks that if it happens, it will just happen naturally.
8. Miss Secure
Miss Secure accepts herself as she is and is comfortable with her good points, as well as her bad.
9. Miss Personality
Miss Personality is a great find. She might not be up for first prize in a beauty contest (although she could be), but her intelligence, wit and sparkling presence just light up the room, and she draws people like a magnet.
10. Miss Low-Maintenance
The rarest of the rare, Miss Low-Maintenance is the most atypical of modern women. She really doesn't care about how much money you have — she just likes you for yourself and not for what she can take from you. She's likely to be a true feminist, and will gladly pay her share of the dating expenses. If you can find a Miss Low-Maintenance, hang on to her for dear life!
11. Miss Right for You
A lot of guys choose women who are "arm candy" — good-looking trophy girlfriends who bolster their status among other men or counteract their own insecurities. That's all well and good, but if you find a woman who makes you happy, regardless of looks, age or social status — or what any other guy thinks — then you have definitely won at the mating game.
Thursday, July 13
I Have A Dream
"I have a dream..." , Mr Lee, our former Sec sch principal used to say that during assembly every morning. For the first time in my life, I have a dream... I always felt that was quite silly to keep talking about dreams... but today, I suddenly knew what it feels like to have a dream. Today, I was talking to Jastinian's parents about my convocation, we mentioned about my certificate and I said that it is not worth making it into a plaque cos its only a batchelor... its like juz group 10 ppl together and easily u get 2-3 graduates or undergrads... but then, if u obtained a masters or PHD, thats something to feel good about...
Suddenly, a thought came to me! Masters... why didn't I think of that? The prof during my Arts commencement talked about the importance of having a dream and even at that point of time, I thought that was silly~! She said that the commencement means that our journey has just started and not juz ended! Why can't that apply to me? Perhaps I didn't have enough confidence in my own ability? Or perhaps I just didn't think I am one who fits into the category she mentioned. But no venture no gain rite?
But of cos i know that won't be possible in 2 yrs time because I still need to go for contract teaching and do my NIE first... Next, I still have to serve my bond... hope by the time i have saved enough money, I can start on my next goal in life... at least, I will know what I am working for now and not just work a day for a day...
Suddenly, a thought came to me! Masters... why didn't I think of that? The prof during my Arts commencement talked about the importance of having a dream and even at that point of time, I thought that was silly~! She said that the commencement means that our journey has just started and not juz ended! Why can't that apply to me? Perhaps I didn't have enough confidence in my own ability? Or perhaps I just didn't think I am one who fits into the category she mentioned. But no venture no gain rite?
But of cos i know that won't be possible in 2 yrs time because I still need to go for contract teaching and do my NIE first... Next, I still have to serve my bond... hope by the time i have saved enough money, I can start on my next goal in life... at least, I will know what I am working for now and not just work a day for a day...
Wednesday, July 12
Graduation's Over

Convocation is finally over on Monday... Boy... how i miss that atmosphere at the ceremony and after that during photo taking with friends! Most of all, I was hit with the realization when i saw my XMS friends and my Social Work best pals that i my University life is OFFICIALLY over...
Suddenly, i felt sad to depart from NUS and my friends... No more silly giggles during SW lectures... no more girlie chats with my SW girls (u noe who u are, girls) during breaks when we were supposed to go to the library and be diligent... no more rushing over to Science to join my XMS gang for quick lunches and catch ups about who is now whose secret shuai ge... At the convocation, i realised that the best part of my life is over... but the good thing is, I am left with the beautiful memories to look back on and reminise... =)
Girls, thanks for all you have done for me during my University days... and of cos, those who have been with me since Secondary school days.. I must say that I was very touched to receive cards from my SW friends and flowers from Huiping... u guys are the best.... but den ar... one little problem here... u guys almost made me cry~! *so touched*
Candice ah Candice... u most successfully triggered my tear glands man... how u remind me of our days as SW students... Looking back, I have known u since Yr 1 and u are considered my bestest pal in Social Work... i will miss u so much... and our bf conversations during breaks... How we reflect on ourselves and our relationships together... it is amazing how we talk heart to heart... =)
Janice is another one... my attachment pal... without u i duno how i will survive attachment in Pelangi Village.. Remember our days of playing carrom with the residents... and how i unknowingly locked u up in Tembusu after u sent residents back while I happily waited in the office for lunch with u wondering why u are not back yet... hehe... silly me... but i will never forget how u helped me rush out some of my reports on the last day of attachment cos i couldn't finish it... somethings will never be forgotten girl...
In a nutshell... (after saying so much, its not really a nutshell anymore) i really really appreciate all of u who made my life so colourful! Thanks girls...
Of cos, there is my dear bf who refused to pose with me on my big day.... -_- but ok la... ur intellectual black and white pooh and nike watch as present for my graduation more than makes up for it... it was so thoughtful of u to integrate pooh and the watch like this... thanks! I love both of it~!
Sunday, July 9
An Unlucky Day
I think there was never another day in my 22 years having been so unlucky before. First, I "killed" my mum's colleague's digital camera when i was snapping away at Monica, Yilin etc's convocation. MY MUM'S COLLEAGUE! How bad can it be? i was so busy fretting over how to explain myself for the camera dying on its own just like that...
Then, when I thought all was still going pretty ok for the day, I had to fall on a slippery slope when going to buy my spare batteries for another loaned digital camera! There goes... a nicely sprained ankle just before my convocation... Everything is just w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l~
I just hope tomorrow my own convocation goes on well and I hope i won't look like the Qing Dynasty's 1001th concubine strutting up the stage with my mini 'S' size convo mortar, walking unnaturally in my tiny heels and nicely sprained ankle... I Pray......................
Then, when I thought all was still going pretty ok for the day, I had to fall on a slippery slope when going to buy my spare batteries for another loaned digital camera! There goes... a nicely sprained ankle just before my convocation... Everything is just w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l~
I just hope tomorrow my own convocation goes on well and I hope i won't look like the Qing Dynasty's 1001th concubine strutting up the stage with my mini 'S' size convo mortar, walking unnaturally in my tiny heels and nicely sprained ankle... I Pray......................
Friday, July 7
The Hair Issue
I was just happily about to blog when i noticed my reflection in my clear lappie screen staring right back at me... i just transformed into a mop head after a shower! No wonder SOMEONE called me DOG SHIT hair yesterday... that lil statement was the result of my depression the whole of yesterday...
It takes so much for confidence to build in one's own looks and takes so little to tear it down... entirely... Men will never understand why women get so agitated over comments of their looks... cos its the one thing that keeps women going.. can't help it, women are naturally vainpots, like it or not... one bad comment and you make a woman wanna die and bury herself in the ground forever and ever amen... So please... guys, no bad jokes ever again... work on your sense of humour, or risk the woman of your dreams shutting you out of her life forever.
And while I am sitting here bored out of my skull, I suddenly was reminded by the Dog Shit hair caller what day today is! Oh yes... 7th of Jul... the monthly anniversary of me and Mr Dog Shit hair... Oops... sorry, Ms Dog Shit Hair's BF... happy Dog Shit Day, my dear...
PS: i am past angry le... ur GF is not petty... hahahhahahahhaha...
It takes so much for confidence to build in one's own looks and takes so little to tear it down... entirely... Men will never understand why women get so agitated over comments of their looks... cos its the one thing that keeps women going.. can't help it, women are naturally vainpots, like it or not... one bad comment and you make a woman wanna die and bury herself in the ground forever and ever amen... So please... guys, no bad jokes ever again... work on your sense of humour, or risk the woman of your dreams shutting you out of her life forever.
And while I am sitting here bored out of my skull, I suddenly was reminded by the Dog Shit hair caller what day today is! Oh yes... 7th of Jul... the monthly anniversary of me and Mr Dog Shit hair... Oops... sorry, Ms Dog Shit Hair's BF... happy Dog Shit Day, my dear...
PS: i am past angry le... ur GF is not petty... hahahhahahahhaha...
Wednesday, July 5
How to make music?
I was doodling half a day online trying to figure out how to input background song onto this blog... just wanted to give it a little a-t-m-o-s-p-h-e-r-e-... but still... the song doesnt play... argh... sorry peeps... u guys gotta on ur own media player for your own ambience until i get this sorted out...
Hehe... finally I have a supporter for the blog... thanks Ban! To give u a hand in idling your days away, I shall try my best to write as much as I can to entertain u... My mum just told me a lizard ate up my bread for breakfast this morning! Eek!!!! I hate them!! Hate them to the core! My mission is to wipe out every single one of them... oh well... at least i will try get someone to wipe them out for me... hehe...
This is how the story goes... it was in the middle of the night when the slimy big head lizard felt hungry.. so it was nosing ard in the kitchen for some food... THEN... it found a bread in a plastic bag that was not sealed... it sneaked it... sniffed it... and happily ate it... it chewed... and it chewed... and it felt hypnotic and fell asleep... The next morning, Jinling mama saw the half eatened bread and to her horror, a fat sleeping lizard with its mouth still full of bread.. With disgust and horror, she grabbed the plastic bag and dumped it into the dustbin - lizard and bread. ~The End~
That's my very good summary for u, folks... Hehe...
Hehe... finally I have a supporter for the blog... thanks Ban! To give u a hand in idling your days away, I shall try my best to write as much as I can to entertain u... My mum just told me a lizard ate up my bread for breakfast this morning! Eek!!!! I hate them!! Hate them to the core! My mission is to wipe out every single one of them... oh well... at least i will try get someone to wipe them out for me... hehe...
This is how the story goes... it was in the middle of the night when the slimy big head lizard felt hungry.. so it was nosing ard in the kitchen for some food... THEN... it found a bread in a plastic bag that was not sealed... it sneaked it... sniffed it... and happily ate it... it chewed... and it chewed... and it felt hypnotic and fell asleep... The next morning, Jinling mama saw the half eatened bread and to her horror, a fat sleeping lizard with its mouth still full of bread.. With disgust and horror, she grabbed the plastic bag and dumped it into the dustbin - lizard and bread. ~The End~
That's my very good summary for u, folks... Hehe...
Tuesday, July 4
My first entry!
Woohoo! Finally managed to figure out enough to successfully create a blog... but being such a computer idiot.. I don't know where to find the skin for a nicer blog... This blog is the product of pure boredom... for a 3-minute-hotness person like me, I wonder how long this blog can last...
I am a typical sickly cat right now... weak and coughing... stuck at home because i haven't got the energy to go anywhere else... and though I am at home, by right I should have ample time to do loads of stuff like improving my chinese to prep for teaching, practise my piano or clearing my cupboard to make space for new stuff... but alas! I got myself involved in opening a silly blog... argh... i hate myself...
I am a typical sickly cat right now... weak and coughing... stuck at home because i haven't got the energy to go anywhere else... and though I am at home, by right I should have ample time to do loads of stuff like improving my chinese to prep for teaching, practise my piano or clearing my cupboard to make space for new stuff... but alas! I got myself involved in opening a silly blog... argh... i hate myself...
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