Hello peeps... welcome back... my blog site was suffering from some technical faults previously.. if u did try to access it, it prompted u for a password rite... it did the same to me and i gathered there was a problem with the tagboard...
i tried begging many ppl to help me figure out whats wrong, but in the end, nobody is free... so i decided to meddle ard and so there u go, a new tagboard at a super funny place... but tts better den nothing rite... so i cld haf missed some of ur tags previously... feel free to fill the tagboard up again...
Today, I flared up at my favourite beloved p2 class... one thing i really really regretted was being too friendly and nice to them in the beginning when i started out teaching... now they are crawling all over my head... not just that, they are peeing up there too... !!!! so today i decided to leash out my last resort at them, cold war. I told all of them to go back to their seats and i said not a single word but juz sit at the teacher's table and look at them till the bell went for school dismissal... I hated to punish anyone of them cos they are all so cute, so this is the only thing i can bear to do to them.
I realized I can control relief classes with time, but not my own p2 class that well... so potential teachers to be, if u are reading this, a piece of advice for all of u, put up a good show on the first day, otherwise, its game over...