Just some of the girls in my p1 class
It was the last day of school last fri. I must say, I really really miss my darlings in class. The photos here are of my lovely p1 babies. I always call them my 乖宝宝。They are special to me because they are the first bunch who I can call my own. Finally when my contract ended, many ppl asked me whether I haf decided that teaching is for me. When I signed the bond, I must say I wasnt sure yet. But the last few wks of school really showed me wat I was to all the kids. I see my worth in this place now. Its a kind of joy that I never felt before. I never felt I was useful before. I never felt I was indispensable before. In fact, I never knew until the kids wrote to me abt their feelings. Now i understand the teaching slogan "teach, make a difference". I am not an embassador of teaching or wat, but I truely felt the joy in this line now.
On the last day of sch before sch dismissal, the principal accounced to the sch that the day will be my last day as I will be gg NIE. I din feel much initially, until I went to stand nx to my p5 class and I realized a few of them started crying. At that moment, I felt so helpless. I wanted to hug them and say that its alright, I will be back. But first of all, I cant hug them and secondly, I din noe if I will be back.
Now i understand why some stay forever in this line while some cant wait to leave. Its the sense of satisfaction that u derive from the job that set u packing or keep u staying.
I never imagined my kids will cry when I leave on the last day. It made me so sad that I had tears in my eyes too. I cannot let them see me so weak because I cant set the whole class crying too. But I realized that perhaps I din teach the best in the whole wide world, but maybe i mean something to them. This is more den enough to make my life worthwhile.