Monday, August 14

Blue Monday

First time today I recognised how it feels like to have a blue monday at work... University was easy for me, having little or no lessons on Mon and often late lectures that allow me to crawl out of bed when I want, or even slowly drag myself to lessons even if it means I will be 30 mins late. BUT NOW, working life means wat? Monday is even bluer than ever, with a kick ass start at 5.45am in the morn. And if I oversleep which so often happens in Uni, I am so gonna die..........

SO, today I woke up on the wrong side of bed, feeling a little depressed for nothing, so I gathered it is something called the Monday Blues. The first lesson is my favourite class, 2k. This bunch of Pri 2 kids are sooooooooooooo cute, sooooooooo lovable, u juz wanna hug them to death... Just imagine, big head, small body, big eyes, brown face with white goggle patch around their eyes and cutest of all, BIG EARS!! Hehe... little jumbos...

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