Okok... here goes, introducing Tootsie, my longest and bestest pal!!! (Cos she told me she wanted the whole world to know she is the great Tootsie)
Short introduction of this person. One who I knew since Primary school, one who bite my hand, pinch my arms, beat me into a pulp until I tried to invent the "roll roll roll the boat gently down the stream" trick to stop her from beating my arms off my body.
15 years have passed being best friends with her, and I can only say one thing. We quarrel the roof down, we fight like nobody's business, but we love each other like nuts. I think its wat u call a love-hate relationship. But the love takes 99%, the hate is when she gets into her qian nian lao yao mode again. That "Im gonna pull her hair out of her skull" mode.
But fear not, as she will not harm the rest of the human specie, because it is only lootsie she is interested in.
Tootsie = diana
Lootsie = Me
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